This Puzzle Called Life by Laurel D. Rund

In 2010, my life felt like an overwhelming 1000-piece puzzle scattered on a table.  It was a transformative time – as I moved through grief into an appreciation for my newly reshaped life and spirit. I was slowly putting the pieces together from the outside to the inside.

For me, it was about letting go of fear and finding my creative voice.   After completing the artwork below, I sat down and wrote an accompanying poem “This Puzzle Called Life.”
Both pieces are included in my book Emerging Voices Living On: A Journey Through Loss to Renewal.  The poem still inspires me today.   “LDR” equals Laurel Diane Rund saying “YES” to life!  That’s my Essence talking about the here and now.

The story of my life is ever-unfolding. At times it may feel like a drama, comedy, romance, or tragedy. Regardless of the genre of my current situation, I acknowledge that I am the author of my life story. If I find myself reliving the same narrative again and again, I can choose to make edits in the plot line just by moving the puzzle pieces around.

This Puzzle Called Life

Pieced together throughout the years,
the outside border of this puzzle called “life”
presents itself as my human form.
 It is like a comfy pair of shoes, a good fit,
easy to wear and visible for all to see.

Ah, but my inside puzzle pieces are
much more complex and hidden from view.
They are a reflection of my spirit, my soul!
Finally, finally ~ I understand that these pieces
ought not be rigid or unyielding.
They need to be sturdy, pliable and unrestrained
 because life is ever changing and
I am always learning .

In the past, I was intimidated by puzzles,
put off by the frustration of not being able
to see how everything fits together.
Today, as I move my life’s puzzle pieces around, 
and new shapes take form,  I am filled
with curiosity and optimism.
These colorful images are a kaleidoscope
which reveal my intent, my purpose
and the gifts within me!

© 2010 Laurel D. Rund

Laurel reading the poem 
'This Puzzle Called Life'

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